Friday, January 25, 2013

Ring Up | Watch How I Met Your Mother Tv Series

Wrist cuffs: no, they are not fashion forward . . .
In the ever continuing saga of How I Met Your Mother, Ted continues not to meet the mother, Barney and Robin get used to being engaged and Lily and Marshall get it on. 
Naturally, it all starts with Ted’s douchebag fashion statement of the month. Having met a girl in a wrist cuff store (and having bought said wrist cuff, which the gang promptly makes him take off), he soon reveals she’s twenty years old. This is both awesome (way to go Ted!) and worrisome (oh, Ted…not dealing with Robin and Barney’s engagement in a healthy way, are we?).
Barney, of course, immediately latches onto this fact and somehow makes it both hilarious and skeezy by barging in on Ted in the middle of the night and telling him he has to “bang” the twenty year old to help him get through his one night-stand withdrawal. He also steals Ted’s dream journal to write down catch lines. Oh, and he may have slept with Ted’s mother. Atta boy Barney. Even engaged, you’re still the bro-ist of the bros.
The cuff jumps off Ted’s wrist and somehow lands on Marshall’s (mostly because he puts it on). Lily makes fun of him and then, in another one of “Lily has another semi-weird sexual fetish” storylines, immediately extrapolates this into a druggie, bad boy East Village musician sex persona for Marshall. Much making out (and more) ensues.

In the other accessory driven character derailing, Robin discovers the cons to being engaged. They mostly consist of not being able to get free stuff: no more free coffee, no more free bagels, no more free beer. (Yes, apparently single Robin was that hot). This being How I Met Your Mother, as she explains this sudden turn of events to Lily and Marshall, her memory tranforms into a Broadway musical number. There are handsome extras, a catchy jingle and yes, a Dirty Dancing/Chorus Line dance lift finale. This show is just dying to do a musical episode, which I just wish they would do already so they can get Broadway out of their collective system.
Lily and Marshall explain to Robin that her engagement ring, like all engagement rings, has Lord of the Rings evil Sauron, The One Ring powers: it renders the wearer invisible. Robin doesn’t believe this until, in an attempt to get a beer, she takes it off. She’s seen! She gets the beer! She puts it back on. She turns invisible! Literally, she really does. All you can see are three beer bottles levitating from the bar on their own to the booth. Oh the magic of post-production.
Barney is unaware of his fiancĂ©e’s quandary and continues to badger Ted to bang the twenty-year old. Ted patiently explains to his friend that he can’t have sex with someone unless he makes some sort of emotional connection (oh Ted, Ted, Ted, just man up already and have the meaningless sex we know you’re going to have)! Barney tells him to hurry up, and Ted attempts to connect with a twenty year old who: (A) has an older man/grandpa fetish; and (b) apparently is so young that she considers Ted old enough to have fought in Vietnam. Wow.

With these two difficulties to overcome, will they ever manage to fall into bed? Yep, due to a smartphone R2D2 ring and Star Wars references. Score another one for George Lucas getting geeks everywhere laid.
Ted, after the dirty deed is done, reports back to Barney. Barney gleefully asks for a picture of the girl. Ted provides, which Barney drools over until he scrolls up to the girl’s face and realizes: it’s his own half-sister! Gasp! A violation of the bro-code (maybe).
Marshall, in obedience to Lily’s sex drive and his desire to exploit it, continues to wear the cuff and adds leather pants, a beanie, a tight shirt and a wallet chain. Lily jumps him every chance she gets. The cuff, however, is causing a rash/allergic reaction/infection on his wrist. Robin notices the disgusting inflammation and inquires why Marshall continues on his quest to die by ugly fashion. Marshall explains to Robin that though he may look like a fool, it’s a sparse sexual desert post-childbirth and he will travel to any coital oasis he can find. Robin half listens and then turns her attention again to pouting over her engagement ring invisibility.

Barney lures Ted to his apartment and tries to marry Ted to his half-sister so it’s not gross anymore. Ted says no. Half sister looks confused. Barney starts a tirade about how one night stands are meaningless! Just meaningless! And Ted can’t do that to his sister! Ted sidesteps the issue by pointing out that Barney is clearly through his one night stand withdrawal and it’s all thanks to him and the half sister. Barney is delighted, as long as Ted and his sister swear never to hook up again. Ted and his sister promise/don’t promise. Barney is confounded.  Yup, payback’s a bitch, Mr. Manhattan’s biggest man-whore.
Lily and Marshall continue to mack on each other until Lily notices Marshall’s hand has swelled to ginormous proportions. After the screaming stops she asks “how did this happen???” He explains about the cuff. She then assures Marshall she finds him attractive and would sleep with him by virtue of his smile alone. Awwww. Marshall is relieved and then he faints.

Once tended to by the medical profession, he and Lily meet Robin at the bar. They explain to her that though the engagement ring does have unwelcome side effects, it all pales in comparison to being with the one person you love the most in the entire world/bar. Awwww. Barney walks in and Robin realizes she wouldn’t get rid of the ring: plus, she solves her how-do-I-get-alcohol-for-free now problem by instructing Barney to get her a Scotch on the rocks. He complies. Free drink and quick service, score! Then Ted walks in with a fedora and tells the gang to shut-up, this new girl’s ass is awesome.
Ugh. Ted. There’s only so much leeway one gives for emotional pain before it just gets truly, truly old-man creeper. Ick.
The episode ends with Lily discovering Marshall’s turn on, which apparently are mom jeans. And yes, this is rendered even weirder by the fact that when she wears them, she vaguely resembles Marshall’s mother.


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